Monday, December 5, 2016

How Greeces economic problem might effect global warming

The greeks are facing a huge issue with their economy since 2007.  Greece is known for being very hot, theres been concerns towards how long that heatwave could last. their heatwave ranged from 30 to 42 degrees Celsius which may become a problem for tourist that may have complaints about the weather and other people from cold regions might not be used to the heatwave. this also is also a concern for farmers who worry dry air that could kill of any plants or any other agricultural resources  that may cause a drought meaning dry land for for  farmers. this ocean will start get warm causing sea organism to die out and also the fish population that connects to their food source.the main problem is that Greece is going fix their economic system because where are they going to get the money from to pay for all the damages they took through GDP that they owe and it going to have to take them a whole century to get their economy back on track.

This is their GDP (gross domestic product) a graph that shows how much debt their in form 2007 and now, Y axis shows their budget cuts and how much they owe through national banks, this is a huge issue for Greece showing by each year the GDP increases. This could effect paying off certain problems through the county and hey could also pay back the money they borrowed from other national banks as well. this could be problem paying off climate issues and closing down tourist areas.        

This graph shows high emissions towards high temperature. the y axis shows the average temperature due to preindustrial levels and the axis shows different levels of heat trapping that show concentration through out the atmosphere.

greek citizens protesting agents their economic crisis. there was a point where people had enough of what was going through out the country. Greece has come across many riots that occur, they want to let their government know that he is destroying his country from the cooperation that he's displayed getting his country on track financially.!ctype=l&strail=false&bcs=d&nselm=h&met_y=gd_pc_gdp&scale_y=lin&ind_y=false&rdim=country_group&idim=country:el&ifdim=country_group&hl=en_US&dl=en&ind=false

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

greece global climate

the climate in greece is currently warm as of right now of 64 degrees Celsius when it gets towards summer it usually dry and hot through the southerns parts of greece of 30 40 Celsius. winter is usually wet but it could get cold but n the Northern part of greece cold get very, snow is very uncommon.

about 150,000-130,000 years ago the European region experinced a much colder and dry climate. 130,000 years ago the climate started to get warmer then it went to the cold dry climate going back and forth 3,500 yeas ago the cold climate started to come back rapidly creating an  ice age. during the isotope stage there was rapid cooling started to occur. during the Pleistocene epoch the earth was covered in ice all through out the world because of the incoming solar radiation that happened  

Monday, September 26, 2016

Greek Economic Crisis

Greece is dealing with a huge drop from the economy,  one of the hugest recessions in history 2010. During 2003-2007 there growth rate dropped to 4%, in 2009 there recession began, nothing was working despairs from this economy crisis, parts of the situation begin to get worse, Athens failed to adress a growing budget for there economy to be at a good standing, Greece took an option  connect with the EU (European nation) but that didn't work out, they threw in another growth budget  because they felt it was going to make a change but only 3% wasn't enough to match the 15%  so from then it became hopeless. the reason their in such huge debt is because they where borrowing money from European national banks and their government showing poor action towards fixing the problem.