Wednesday, October 26, 2016

greece global climate

the climate in greece is currently warm as of right now of 64 degrees Celsius when it gets towards summer it usually dry and hot through the southerns parts of greece of 30 40 Celsius. winter is usually wet but it could get cold but n the Northern part of greece cold get very, snow is very uncommon.

about 150,000-130,000 years ago the European region experinced a much colder and dry climate. 130,000 years ago the climate started to get warmer then it went to the cold dry climate going back and forth 3,500 yeas ago the cold climate started to come back rapidly creating an  ice age. during the isotope stage there was rapid cooling started to occur. during the Pleistocene epoch the earth was covered in ice all through out the world because of the incoming solar radiation that happened  

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